This article describes what you need to know about Exchange Distribution Groups on SFU Groups and how to request a group.
What is an Exchange Distribution Group?
Exchange Distribution Groups (EDGs, or distribution groups) is a feature of Microsoft Exchange (SFU's email system) that allows a user to send messages to a list of SFU email addresses, or to members of other SFU Groups, all at once. The group manager(s) can add or remove SFU email addresses (known as 'members' of the group) as needed.
Instead of adding multiple email addresses on the To/CC/BCC field, EDGs enable you to use a single email address when sending messages to a group.
Example: |
person3@sfu.ca |
my-distribution-group@sfu.ca |
Exchange Distribution Group can only contain SFU members. If you require email distribution to non-SFU email recipients, such as Gmail email addresses, please see here for your options.
Alternatively, you may also CC/BCC any non-SFU email recipients if you wish to use an Exchange Distribution Group.
Note that University policy GP24, Fair use of Information Resources governs the use of all computing systems at SFU, including Exchange Distribution Groups. Exchange Distribution Groups are intended to be used in support of scholarly or work-related activity in accordance with this policy.
Who can request?
All requests for Exchange Distribution Group are reviewed and will be created within one business day once approved by IT Services.
- May request Standard Groups for instructional, administrative or research-related purposes.
- May request Course Groups or Academic Plan Groups which automatically contains the registered students in a course or academic plan.
- May request Standard Groups that are related to course work, SFSS-recognised clubs, or student unions.
- New groups requested by students will only be approved if they clearly relate to course work, a SFSS-recognised club, or a student union. The course name/number (e.g. engl100 -- both department and number) or club name/acronym must appear in the group name, and the description should clearly indicate the purpose of the group.
Examples of appropriate names and descriptions for student-run groups:
engl100-mygroup |
Study group for ENGL100 -- Rudyard Kipling group |
myclub-exec |
SFSS Club myclub Executives contact maillist |
How to Request
Before requesting a group, determine your group name and description beforehand. Here are guidelines on appropriate group naming:
Group Name
Your group name must meet all of the following:
- Clearly represent the purpose of the group
- Contain at least one hyphen (-) character, but not start or end with it
- Contain only letters, numbers, hyphens (no spaces and no other special characters)
- Be no more than 140 characters
- Can not conflict with any other SFU email address
Description |
You must provide a short, clear description of the purpose of this group. |
SFU reserves the right to reject distribution group requests where the name of the group does not meet appropriate naming criteria; this includes, but is not limited to, group names that:
- are too general or non-specific
- attempt to masquerade as some other entity in the system
- are silly, frivolous or appear to have no relationship to any university activity
- contain profanity
- conflict with the automatically populated "course group" naming patterns:
- DEPT-# (eg. phil-100)
- DEPT#-SECTION (eg. psyc102-d100)
- DEPT-#-SECTION (eg. cmpt-165-c100)
Go to groups.sfu.ca and select Request an Exchange Distribution Group, or visit the request form:
Request New EDG
On the request form, choose the type of group you would like to request. Note that the option to request Course and Academic Plan groups may not be available to you, depending on your role at SFU. Continue by following the instructions on the request form.

Once submitted, Exchange Distribution requests are manually reviewed by SFU IT staff to ensure compliance with SFU policies. We aim to act on requests within one business day.
You will be notified by email when your group has been activated.
In the meantime, you can visit your group on groups.sfu.ca and make changes to the membership and other settings.