Create a Course Maillist if you want to create a maillist for an existing SFU Course or Tutorial/Lab Section. Course Maillists are a special type of maillist. Instead of being manually-manged, their membership is kept up-to-date with the roster for a particular course section from SIMS. Anyone with a "staff" or "faculty" role on their account can create courselists.
The students and instructors for the course are automatically updated by the maillist system.
After clicking on the "Create course maillist" from the "Create New Maillist" page, you will be brought to a page shown below.

Start by selecting a Course from the course drop down selection box.

After selecting a Course, a new prompt will appear in the grey area. The new prompt will ask you to select the course number or division for the Course you have selected. Same as before, select the course number from the drop down selection box.

After selecting the course number, a new prompt will appear in the grey area. Select the term you wish to create the courselist for.

After selecting the term, you have the option to choose "Continue" and create the courselist as is OR select a term and then create the courselist.

Check to see that all fields are correct. Click "Continue" to create the courselist.
Note: The full courselist name is shown under the grey area.
You will then be brought to a new page where you can set the end-of-term processing options.

By default, the courselist will automatically update the course roster each term. You can also set the course list to either:
- carry foward all manually added members
- only carry forward managers
- carry forward no manually added members.
To save a snapshot of the previous term's courselist, check the box under the selections.
Click "Continue" to go to the next step.
The next step is to set the name for your courselist. By default, the system will create the name based on your course, course number, section selections using the Maillist naming guidelines. For more information on the naming guidelines for Maillists, please read the Maillist Policies and Etiquette page.

For the above example, iat233-d100. The course is IAT, course number 233, and the section is d100.
Note: For maillists, such as courselists that "roll-over" to the next semester (e.g. roster is updated every semester), they do not contain the term in the name.
The last step is to review your courselist settings. Make sure everything is correct and then click "Create" to create the coureslist.