Your web pages are automatically backed up hourly, nightly and weekly, into space that is named the same as your WebDAV URL with .snapshot added to the end. For example,
-, or
(Use https if possible. If it doesn’t work, use http.)
Try connecting to your “.snapshot” URL via WebDAV in your web composition package. If it works, you’ll see a list of sub-directory names denoted by times (hourly,daily, etc). Browse into the appropriate directory and drag the files you want to recover, over to your local folder that contains your site.
If this doesn’t work, connect to your “.snapshot” URL from your desktop as described above. Drag the files you want to recover, to your local disk.
On all versions of the Mac OS, including OS X, download a free program called Goliath from Connect to your “.snapshot” URL and drag the files you want to recover, to your local disk.