Change display name for Microsoft services - Students


This article describes how to change your display name for Microsoft Services on student accounts.



This article describes how to change your display name for Microsoft Services on student accounts.

Your display name on all Microsoft Services are obtained from your SFU Directory settings at

Any changes made will apply to all Microsoft services linked to your SFU account, and you may be asked to re-log in to Microsoft services to apply the changes. It may take up to one day for the changes to take effect in MS Teams.

Note: If you are a student who also has an active faculty/staff role (e.g., TA/RA), please see our faculty/staff instructions page to change your display name.


How To Change Your Display Name

Step 1. Go to on a web browser. Select "Login" and sign in to your SFU student account.

Step 2. Once you are logged in, click "[ Edit My Entry ]" on the top right hand corner of the screen.

Step 3. In the "Access Control" field, verify that you've selected either "Allow SFU users only" or "Allow anyone to view Directory entry".

What does choosing "Allow SFU users only" or "Allow anyone to view Directory entry" mean?

If you set the "Access Control" field to be "Allow SFU users only":

  • This setting enables those with a valid SFU login credentials to look up your SFU Directory entry.
  • Your display name and preferred email indicated in this form will be used across all Microsoft Services and in the sender field of SFU Mail.

If you set the "Access Control" field to be "Allow anyone to view Directory entry":

  • This setting enables anyone, including non-SFU users, to look up your SFU Directory entry.
  • Your display name and preferred email indicated in this form will be used across all Microsoft Services and in the sender field of SFU Mail.
Why can't I choose "Allow SFU admin staff only" if I would like to change my display name?

If you set the "Access Control" field to be "Allow SFU admin staff only":

  • This setting indicates that you prefer your SFU Directory entry to be viewable only by system administrators. This is the highest level of privacy setting.
  • However, this will result in your SFU Computing ID being used as your display name and email address across Microsoft services and in the sender filed of SFU Mail, regardless of the changes you make to those settings. For example:
    • Computing ID: kipling
    • First name: kipling
    • Last name: kipling
    • Email address:  

For this reason, you need to select either "Allow SFU users only" or "Allow anyone to view Directory entry" to set your display name and/or preferred email across all Microsoft Services and in the sender field of SFU Mail.

Step 4. Once you've verified your selection for the "Access Control" field, modify your display name according to your needs. Click "Save Changes" to save your edits.

Step 5. Once it's been saved, you will see a "Saved Changes" message show up above the form.

Note: The changes will apply to all Microsoft services linked to your SFU account, and you may be asked to re-log in to Microsoft services to apply the changes. It may take up to one day for the changes to take effect in MS Teams.




Article ID: 4009
Sun 7/10/22 12:03 AM
Tue 7/12/22 4:11 PM

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