Managing Access Control Maillists


How to add/remove/update members of an access control maillist.


If you are a staff member, faculty, or lab administrator, you should already have been granted manager privileges to your lab’s access control maillist.

To add or remove maillist members:

  1. Go to the SFU Maillist Manager.
  2. In the “Go to list” text entry box, type (for example) ensc-superlab.
  3. Click [Go].
  4. Click on the Maillist Member tab.
  5. Scroll down. In the “Add new members” text field, enter the computing IDs of the users you wish to add to your lab’s access control list.
  6. Click the [Add] button.
  7. Scroll down again. Click [Save Changes] at the bottom of the page.

Note: It can take up to one hour for the changes to take effect across all SFU systems.



Article ID: 5385
Fri 3/31/23 4:37 PM
Fri 3/31/23 4:37 PM