Step 1. Review Vault Migration Option - Students and Instructors


This article outlines the migration options available for students and instructors. See other migration options:


Migration options available for students and instructors

The first step of your migration process is to determine your migration location. Here are the options available for students and instructors:

SFU Canvas


Canvas is SFU’s online learning platform for managing courses and course materials. 

Note: We highly recommend instructors to use Canvas if you are looking to share course material with students.


When is it best used for?

For students when:

  • You need to upload and submit course materials for your classes.
  • You need to leverage Canvas features for online learning (such as assignment submission).

For instructors when:

  • You need to upload and share course materials for your classes.
  • You need to leverage Canvas features for teaching (e.g., grading and classroom dicussion).



Microsoft OneDrive (OneDrive) is a cloud file storage service for individual use at SFU. It allows you to securely store, share, and synchronize your files and folders from any device anywhere at any time.


When is it best used for?

For students & instructors when:

  • You need to store your own individual work documents and files.
  • You need to share your document with specific individuals for ad-hoc collaboration.
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Article ID: 4273
Thu 8/18/22 4:36 PM
Thu 12/14/23 3:46 PM