This article describes how to add a member to a team on Microsoft Teams.
Team owner(s) should add members according to the team membership management process chosen when requesting a team.
How to add a member to a manually-managed team
Follow the instructions below if you have a manually-managed team (i.e., team owner(s) add/remove members via the "Manage Team" setting in MS Teams):
Step 1. In MS Teams, go to a team you would like to add members and select the "More options" icon.
Step 2. From the drop-down menu, select "Add members".

Step 3. Type in a name or an email address of the person you would to add. You can add more than one member at the same time. Select "Add" to add the member(s) to your team.

Step 4. After you have added your members, select "Close" to return to the team.
How to add a member to a group-managed team
Follow the instructions below if you have a group-managed team (i.e., team owner(s) add/remove members via SFU Groups):
Step 2. Add the person to the security group that syncs to your team.
Members added to the security group will be automatically synced and added to your team within two hours.