
Service Replacement Notice

Current Service: WebSurvey
Replacement Service: SurveyMonkey
Deactivation Date: July 31, 2024

WebSurvey was decommissioned on July 31, 2024. Please transition to SurveyMonkey. No new surveys may be created in SFU WebSurvey. All new surveys should be created in SurveyMonkey.

For SurveyMonkey details and access, click https://sfu.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/255/ITServices/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=2396.

For voting needs, SFU has implemented Simply Voting. See https://sfu.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/255/ITServices/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=5289 for information and access



SFU retired the Websurvey tool on July 31, 2024, to enhance cybersecurity and comply with data protection standards.  

Current Websurvey users should finalize any ongoing surveys and download their data before the end of July 2024, and transition to SurveyMonkey, which is already in use across the university. SurveyMonkey offers extensive features including customizable surveys, secure data handling, and efficient data analysis tools.  

Stay tuned for more updates.    


Why is SFU retiring the Websurvey tool?
SFU has retired Websurvey to enhance cybersecurity and comply with data protection standards. The retirement that was initially planned for year-end has been expedited due to growing concerns about the system's performance and integrity
When will SFU Websurvey be officially retired?
Websurvey was retired on July 31, 2024. 
What should I use instead of Websurvey for creating surveys?
SFU's supported survey system is SurveyMonkey, which is already in use across the university and offers extensive features including customizable surveys, secure data handling, and efficient data analysis tools.
Is there a plan to replace the voting feature of Websurvey?
Yes, SFU has launched the use of Simply Voting. Information can be found at: https://sfu.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/255/ITServices/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=5289
What support is available for transitioning to SurveyMonkey?
SFU IT will provide support related to account authorization and access. You can also visit the how-to guides & resources for more help.
What immediate actions should Websurvey users take?
Users should ensure that all necessary data from ongoing surveys is collected and downloaded by the end of July 2024. Websurvey will no longer be accessible starting July 31, 2024.
Is WebSurvey data available after the retirement date?
All servers and related data have been decommissioned after the retirement of the service. No data is available for retrieval.

