Explore knowledge articles related to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Categories (2)

Manage MFA Settings

The following are the how-to guides on how you can manage your MFA settings on the SFU MFA Management App.

Set Up MFA

The following are the how-to guides on the device you are planning to use for MFA and proceed to the setup instructions.

Articles (5)


Frequently asked questions about Multi-Factor Authentication.

MFA Multi-device Registration

his page is designed to recommend practices for multi-device registration with SFU MFA. Multi-device registration refers to registering more than one device for MFA with your SFU account, and all the devices registered will display the same six-digit MFA code, or TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password).

Multi-Factor Authentication - Sponsored Accounts

This article is designed to provide you with a guide to enrol a sponsored account into MFA.

Multi-Factor Authentication - Students

This article is designed to provide students with a high-level summary of the MFA enrollment.

What is MFA

Want to learn more about multi-factor authentication? Visit this article to learn more details.