The task required to set up SFU Print on an unmanaged macOS device running Sonoma (14.x).
This guide demonstrates how to install and configure the Papercut client in order to print to SFU Print devices.
Before starting, please note that setup must be completed on campus.
Click Finder --> Go --> Connect to Server...
In the dialog box type, smb://sfuprint.mps.sfu.ca/PCClient/ and click + sign to remember. Now click "Connect"

You might be asked to authenticate against Active Directory, select "Registered User" and enter your SFU username (ADSFU\your_user_ID) and password, check "Remember this password in my keychain.
Once authenticated right-click on the mac folder and copy

to your desktop

Go to the copied "mac" folder and double click on "client-local-install.app"

Accept install to Application folder

click on Allow

Enter SFU user ID and password and check "Remember my identity"

Once installed icon should show up in the toolbar (sometimes it is inverted or on some laptops can be hidden behind a camera notch)

IMPORTANT: Client must be running before you send print job to the printer