The final task required to set up SFU Print on an unmanaged macOS device running Sonoma (14.x).
This guide demonstrates how to install and configure the computer to print to SFU Print devices.
To Install the printer, click on Apple logo on the top left and select "System Settings"

Click on "Printers & Scanners" --> "Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax..."

Right-click (control + click) on the toolbar and select "Customize Toolbar..."

Now drag "Advanced" from the menu to the Toolbar and click Done.

Now click on "Advanced"

Select "Windows printer via spoolss"

under URL type: smb://sfuprint-p.mps.sfu.ca/SFU_Print_non_AD_auth?encryption=no
Name: SFU_Print
Location: FollowMe
Click on Use and "Select Software..."

Search for: ricoh mp c60 and select "RICOH MP C6004ex"

Finally click on Add

Now click on your newly installed printer to configure some "Options & Supplies..."

Click on Options on the top and under:
Option Tray: select "Lower Paper Trays" (different from "Lower Paper Tray")

Finisher: "Finisher SR3210"

And now you are done with printer installation and if your Papercut Client is running, you should be able to print.