How To Use Bulk Actions


This article describes how to use bulk actions on the ServiceHub Ticketing App.



How To Use Bulk Actions (Video)



Note: Bulk Action feature is only available under the "Tickets" section on a ticketing app. You should be able to see checkboxes next to each ticket.

Step 1. Navigate to your ticketing application and select the "Tickets" header to view all tickets or select one of the pre-made searches (e.g., "Assigned to Me") under Tickets.

Step 2. If you wish to filter your tickets, select the Green Filter button.

Step 3. Filter the tickets based on your needs. We recommend filtering by Current Status and Group Responsibility.

Step 4. Check the tickets you wish to apply a Bulk Action and select Action to complete your Bulk Action.


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Article ID: 4345
Tue 9/6/22 3:13 PM
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