SFU Maillist is a web application designed to simplify the management of SFU email addresses. It allows you to easily create and manage any number of emails within a mailing list. For example, you can create a course-based maillist in which email addresses are automatically synced with the roster of students for the course; you can also create maillists where you manage the email addresses yourself.
As of June 1st, 2024 SFU Maillist will NO LONGER SUPPORT email addresses that are not in the "sfu.ca" domain (eg. you will not be able to send to, or add people with a @gmail.com or other non-sfu.ca email address using SFU Maillist). For email lists that must include at least one external email address, you can use Simplelists. For marketing purposes Campaigner is available.
Create, Edit or Find a Maillist