Add or Remove members on Responsible Group


To add or remove members in your Responsible Group, the service owner or manager will need to edit the membership of the corresponding TDX maillist.

Note: Do not add new SFU users directly in the TeamDynamix application. There are certain procedures in place to ensure that new SFU users are given the correct role and licensing as needed. If you are looking to on-board a ticketing technician, see How to gain access to ServiceHub Ticketing App.



Step 1. Log in to the SFU Maillist Manager portal.

Step 2. Click Find Maillists.

Step 3. Select Lists I own/manage in the drop-down menu for Preset Searches.

Step 4. Find and select your TDX Responsible Group maillist named "tdx-group-<your responsible group>" (for example, tdx-group-its-servicedesk-bby).

Step 5. Add or remove members by using their SFU email, then select Save Changes.

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Article ID: 3831
Thu 6/23/22 4:44 PM
Fri 7/26/24 12:36 PM