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This article outlines the life cycle of a computing ID.
This article describes how to keep your computing ID secure.
Learn how to use RCG printers.
This article outlines the lifecycle for research computing accounts.
Learn how to connect to the SFU-Guest wireless network as a guest (no computing ID).
This article provides an overview of the Research Computing Group Linux terminal server.
Curious about software licensing for research applications? Explore available options within the Research Computing Group.
IT support for faculties operating their own IT support group.
Learn how to obtain and set up a key card/fob to access printing devices.
How to access and use the SFU Mail migration status tool.
Explore how to connect and use research NFS files shares.
Learn how to log in to a sponsored account as a delegate.
Learn how to connect and publish web content on your personal webspace.
Walkthrough how to print using an SFU printing device.