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Faculty of Applied Science IT Support

Faculty of Science IT Support

Faculty of Environment IT Support

Canvas is SFU's institutionally supported learning management system.

SurveyMonkey is a full-featured web survey tool with a wide variety of question types and reporting. This service is provided to support surveys for university-related teaching, learning, research, and administrative purposes.

The IT Service Desk provides an initial point of contact for information technology/computing issues at SFU.

Remote, secure, locally hosted file storage and multi-device sync application. Hosted entirely within the SFU datacentre. Clients available for Mac OS, Windows, Linus, as well as iOS and Android. 50GB of space available to all owners of an SFU computing account.

Video conferencing provides faculty, staff, and students with the ability to hold or attend live meetings, lectures, and presentations with colleagues from remote locations.

Microsoft Office (or MS Office) is a collection of productivity tools that includes Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher. Most applications within the Office suite are available on desktop, mobile app, or on browsers via cloud services.

Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) is a virtual collaboration app that brings together Microsoft 365 services (such as Office and OneDrive) to keep you virtually connected to the SFU community from anywhere at any time.

Provide wireless (Wi-Fi) connection to access campus internet services.

CMPT IT Support